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Accom­pani­ment for pian­ists

  • Year of study: Two semesters, fall and spring.
  • Final assessment: Assessment from course instructor.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English.

Course description

During the course the students rehearse and perform a wide repertoire with numerous singers and instrumentalists.

The course is open to pianists in the MAUT concentration solo/chamber music and to third or fourth year students in the KAUT and KAMP programmes.

Course coordinator: Piano, Accompaniment, Guitar and Accordion Department

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course students are expected to

  • demonstrate abilities of cooperation and interaction
  • have insight into the rehearsal work required by pianist and fellow musician
  • be familiar with a wide repertoire which can be communicated in various performance situations
  • have knowledge and experience in different work situations of a pianist


The basic content is repertoire playing, with rehearsals and prima vista.

Other relevant content is active listening during accompaniment instruction / collaborative piano sessions and teaching pupils from the talent development programme.

The student will have one principal teacher who is a pianist, and instruction/guidance / instructive listening with teachers in vocal, string and wind subjects.


The course is organized into individual lessons and group instruction within a framework of 30 minutes per student per week for 22 weeks. Students are expected to put in a significant portion of independent work. Parts of the teaching can be organized differently if appropriate.

Course requirements

  1. Students will participate in at least 2 concerts and 2-4 masterclasses with the talent development programme at the Academy.
  2. Students must provide an overview of the repertoire studied and performed during the course (approx. 20-30 minutes in length).

Deadline: All course requirements must be approved by 15 May in the second semester of studies.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the student is given a final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined by the course instructor based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the student must play a concert with 15-20 minutes of new repertoire.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025