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For­um for Artist­ic Devel­op­ment — Bach­el­or

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  • Year of study: One semester, spring
  • Final assessment: assessment form course instructor
  • Language of tuition: Norwegian/English

Course description

The course focuses on the development of practice and reflection in the students artistic musicianship. Based on the students' own musical practices, the workshop involves performance, presentations, discussion, and reflective processes.

We will go deep into ongoing musical and artistic processes and focus on expanding perspectives, references, and contexts. Through interdisciplinary groups, students have the opportunity to inspire and challenge each other's projects and artistic development.

The course is open to all students, regardless of genre.

Course coordinator: Piano, Accompaniment, Guitar and Accordion Department

Learning objectives

Upon completing the course, it is expected that the student:

  • can reflect on their own artistic practice and artistic choices
  • can identify artistic issues and contextualize their own practice
  • can reflect on and discuss artistic ideas, questions, and processes with others
  • is familiar with methods in artistic development work and knows examples of research projects within their own and related fields.


• Workshop with practice and presentations, reflection tasks, and discussions related to current musical inquiries, projects, and issues.

• Introduction to, discussions about, and tasks on aesthetics, contextualization, and artistic development work


The teaching takes place as weekly seminars. These involve group discussions and reflection tasks. Students play, present, and discuss ongoing processes with performing/creative work with the group. In addition to the main teachers in the course, there will be visits by teachers and artistic researchers working on various topics related to the learning objectives of the course.

In the workshop seminars, both teachers and students will contribute actively. Students participate by playing, verbally, and in writing in discussions and group work. Works in progress are compiled for a final portfolio submission.

The teaching plan should be available at the beginning of the academic year.

Course requirements

Students complete reflection tasks throughout the semester, which are compiled in a digital portfolio. They actively participate in group discussions.

Attendance at seminars is mandatory. Normally, absence exceeding 20% results in the student not passing the course.

During the course, students are required to submit 5 reflection assignments. These can be texts, presentations, or video/audio productions. Each reflection assignment should have a total duration equivalent to 5 minutes of audio/video or 1000 words.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Students are assessed in correspondence to the learning outcomes of the course. The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, which shall be determined on the basis of her or his level demonstrated through the course work.

New assessment

Students failing the course will have to apply to re-follow the course for a new assessment.

Published: Mar 18, 2022 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025