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For­um for Artist­ic Devel­op­ment — Mas­ter

  • Year of study: One semester, autumn
  • Final assessment: Written reflection paper and oral presentation
  • Language of tuition: Norwegian/English

Course description

In th iscourse, the student is expected to reflect on their own artistic practice, musical choices, processes, context, and position. The course is aimed at performers and composers across all genres.

The main focus of the course is the student's own artistic practice and reflection, such as musical choices and position, insight into perspectives related to music performance, and methods within artistic development work. The course is designed to support the student's master's thesis and facilitate the exploration of elements that may be relevant to the thesis.

Through the course, students will become acquainted with ongoing research and development projects in artistic development work at NMH, as well as various research areas that are particularly relevant to musical performance, creativity, and artistic innovation.

Course coordinator: Composition, Music Theory and Music Technology Department

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, it is expected that the student:

  • has an in-depth understanding of what artistic development work is and is familiar with examples of projects within the field of artistic development work
  • has an in-depth knowledge of relevant theoretical perspectives and artistic exploratory methods
  • can assess and contextualize their own musical practice, standpoint, choices, and role
  • can identify issues in their own musical practice
  • demonstrates independence and good judgment in addressing specific issues
  • demonstrates the ability to reflect on their own musical work, both in writing and orally


  • introduction to relevant topics such as art understanding, interpretation, improvisation, tradition, performance, listening, and artistic research
  • assignments and discussions related to these topics and to students' own musical experiences and issues
  • presentations and discussions of relevant research projects
  • project work based on students' own musical experiences and issues, with presentations and group discussions
  • reflection assignment related to their own performing work

In collaboration with the instructor, the student develops a reading list of approximately 150-200 pages. The topic for project work and reading list must be approved by the instructor.


The course consists of seminars, project work, student presentations, and submission of a reflection assignment. A significant portion of the work is conducted through independent studies and group work. The teaching in the course consists of weekly seminars where main topics are covered and discussed. Both the teacher and students actively contribute to the seminars.

Students are required to plan and conduct a minor artistic development project related to their own musical practice. Students can choose to carry out this project work individually or as group work.

Students are expected to submit a reflection assignment presenting and discussing issues and methods from the completed project work. At the end of the semester, students are to orally present their project work to the rest of the student group.

A teaching plan as well as deadlines for submissions and student presentations will be provided at the beginning of the academic year.

Course requirements

Participation in the scheduled lessons is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% will normally lead to failure of the course.

Final assessment

All requirements in the course must be approved for the student to receive final assessment. The student is assessed in relation to the course learning objectives. Final assessment is expressed as pass/fail and is based on an oral presentation and a written reflection assignment.

  1. Oral presentation where the student communicates their experiences with the completed project work to the rest of the student group. The oral presentation should demonstrate the student's ability to convey significant experiences from the project work.
  2. Written reflection assignment with an extent of approximately 2500 words or an equivalent amount in another format. The reflection assignment should describe the completed project work, its objectives, and results. The student should demonstrate insight, reflection, and evaluative skills through the reflection assignment. It is assumed that the student uses course literature and other relevant sources. Deadline for submission of the written reflection assignment will be provided by the course instructor.

New assessment

Same procedure applies as for regular assessment

Published: Mar 17, 2022 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025