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Men­tal Prac­tice Strategies

  • Year of study: Two semesters, autumn and spring
  • Final assessment: assessment from course instructor
  • Language of tuition: Norwegian/English

Course description

The course introduces the student to mental and practical strategies aimed at helping to solve known and unknown problems in the student's learning process, contributing to more effective and purposeful practice.

Mental practice is typically thought of as practice without playing the instrument. We will approach practice in a 50/50 ratio, both mentally and practically, with the goal of developing better concentration, becoming more efficient, and reducing the risk of injuries.

The course is offered to all students in performance and educational study programs.

Course coordinator: Conducting, Voice and Church Music Department

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, it is expected that the student

  • has developed mental and practical techniques and strategies for practice
  • possesses knowledge of their own level and practices accordingly
  • understands the importance of incorporating the "inner ear" during practice
  • has familiarity with how the brain functions - both the unconscious and conscious mechanisms at play while playing.


The course will, among other things, provide an introduction to:

  • Strengthening the connection between the performing body and the musical mind
  • Visualization of how it feels and sounds through both recreating and projecting movements and sound
  • Exercises in rhythmic, choreographic, and expanded concentration
  • Immediate memorization
  • Development of the "inner ear"


The course is taught in groups of 60 minutes each, 20 times during the autumn and spring semesters. It focuses on practice sessions on the students' main instrument, where they are both active and passive participants in the instruction.

The course also includes oral presentations, group practice sessions, rehearsal assignments, and some homework related to the various practice strategies taught during the course.

Course requirements

Participation in the scheduled lessons is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% will normally lead to failure of the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Students are assessed in correspondence to the learning outcomes of the course. The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, which shall be determined on the basis of her or his level demonstrated through the course work.

New assessment

Students failing the course will have to apply to re-follow the course for a new assessment. Students may only re-follow the course if there are available places.

Published: Mar 17, 2022 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025