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Sing­er — song­writer

  • Year of study: Two semesters, autum and spring
  • Final assessment: assessment from course instructor
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English

Course description

The course covers songwriting and production of original material. It focuses on songwriting as a symbiosis between lyrics, music, and vocal interpretation, and is therefore only open to songwriters/composers who are practicing singers.

Students specializing in vocals at KAUTIJ, FRIBA, and KAMP jazz/pop/rock programs, where singing and songwriting are central parts of their artistic practice, are given some priority, but placement is not guaranteed. Students from other programs may be offered placement based on availability.

All applicants to the subject must submit documentation of vocal abilities and previous songwriting by submitting recordings of themselves singing their own song(s), along with accompanying lyrics. Applications are reviewed by the course instructor.

The audio files should be sent via email to by April 19th at 11:59 PM.

Course coordinator: Jazz, Improvised Music and Traditional Nordic Folk Music Department

Learning objectives

Upon completing the subject, it is expected that the student

  • Possesses concrete tools and insights into process-based, creatively artistic work – and can apply this to text development and songwriting.
  • Is aware of their aesthetic preferences and uniqueness, musically, poetically, and vocally.
  • Is conscious of their habits and inclinations as a performer and songwriter – and can explore techniques beyond these.
  • Can give and receive constructive feedback on their own and others' creative work.
  • Has some knowledge of various arranging techniques and compositional devices – and can apply these to their own songs.
  • Is familiar with software for arranging, recording, and production – and can use some of it to record and manipulate drafts of their own songs.
  • Has insight into traditional studio production – and can, under guidance, record and mix their own material.
  • Can perform their own songs.


I emnet skal studenten arbeide med tekstskriving, sangkomposisjon og arrangering for mindre ensembler. Temaer i undervisningen vil i stor grad preges av studentenes fokusområder, men vil også omfatte drøfting av ulike kunstneriske muligheter og valg, historiske og filosofiske perspektiver, lesing og lytting. Videre arbeides det med fremføring av eget materiale, og innspilling og editering i studio.


Students will work on lyric writing, song composition, and arranging for small ensembles. The teaching topics will largely be influenced by the students' areas of focus but will also include discussions on various artistic possibilities and choices, historical and philosophical perspectives, reading, and listening. Furthermore, students will work on performing their own material, as well as recording and editing in the studio.

Course requirements

  • Participation in the scheduled lessons is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% will normally lead to failure of the course.
  • The student shall actively participate in the classes, which includes:
  1. preparing and presenting their own material to the group
  2. engaging in discussions about both their own and other students' work
  3. sharing and exchanging skills and expertise with others in the group, both on the conceptual level and in practical work with concrete material
  • With guidance from the school's sound producer, the student shall record and complete studio production of 1 (one) song written during the course.
  • Students shall perform 2 (two) original songs written during the course at a joint final concert in the 2nd semester.

Course requirements

All coursework requirements (arbeidskrav) must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, and is determined by the two course instructors.

New assessment

For reassessment, the same procedure as for regular assessment applies. Depending on practical feasibility, the student can either arrange a performance with an audience or present their work in an internal performance/presentation for the two instructors.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025