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NMH working group for cost-reducing measures

The budget for NMH will be very tight in the years to come. We all need to prepare for changes.

We must ensure broad involvement and a good decision-making basis to achieve this. Therefore, the principal and director are establishing a working group to determine how we will adapt to the new situation.

Broad mandate

The group's mandate is to look at all aspects of NMH 's activity to arrive at cost-reducing measures. Our permanent reduction needs are estimated to be in the order of NOK 25 million per year in the coming years.

The working group has representatives from staff, representatives from the union, and students. Kjetil Solvik leads the group.

Submit proposals on 31 January

The group will submit proposals for cost-reducing measures by 31 January 2023. Recommendations for actions are planned to be at the table at the board meeting on 9 March 2023.

It is too early to say how the measures will affect the various activity at NMH.

Do you have questions or suggestions?

If you have any questions, you can contact your leader.

In addition, we have this website on NMH's employee website where we post information about the working group and where it is possible to ask questions and make suggestions.

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