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Music in an Inter­na­tion­al Aid Pro­gramme

  • Year of study: Two semesters, fall and spring, project trip in the second semester.
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course coordinator.
  • Prerequisites: Experience teaching music and a special interest in the topic. There are a limited amount of spaces. Admission is done on the basis of conversations with applicants.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English.

Course description

The course is dependent on existing aid projects or projects for cultural exchange that the Academy takes part in. These projects usually work towards offering music activities to children and youths in difficult situations or to strengthen the music activities already available. Earlier projects have been located in Lebanon, Georgia, India, and various African countries.

Destinations may vary from year to year and is dependent on which project the course is a part of.

Participation in the course demands an openness to intercultural cooperation and willingness and ability to integrate other cultural expressions into one's own mode of expression.

The Norwegian Academy of Music will cover travel and stay, but students must cover their own food and drinks, transport to Oslo Airport Gardermoen, travel insurance and vaccinations. Students must provide proof of their insurance and vaccinations prior to leaving.

Responsible department: Music Education and Music Therapy Department.

Course coordinator: Vegar R. Storsve.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the student is expected to

  • be able to teach and communicate about music in international, multicultural cooperation
  • document knowledge of local traditional music and cultural history
  • document knowledge of cultural exchange and the use of music in aid programmes


Prior to travelling abroad, tuition will consist of lectures and classes on cultural traditions, social conditions and studies of earlier musical projects in aid programmes. Tuition will also consist of group gatherings for trying out and preparing teaching materials and rehearsing concert repertoire for the project trip.

The trip will take place in the second semester and will last 7–10 days. When travelling, students will learn about teaching practices, musical outreach and communication practices and meetings between musicians.


  • Four hours of introductory lectures
  • Eight hours of preparing teaching materials
  • Eight hours of outreach and music communication
  • Four hours entailing a dress rehearsal of the concert repertoire and presentation of the project plan

In total, there will be 24 hours of tuition prior to the journey. Individual rehearsing must be expected in addition. The project trip will be of 7–10 days duration.

Course requirements

  1. Participation in all parts of the course is mandatory. Students are expected to prepare, rehearse and work with other students before classes and before travelling abroad.
  2. Students will hand in an individual report of approx. 2000 words after the project trip.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined by the course coordinator based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

Re-assessment is not possible.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025