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How to Book a Place for Your Event

Need a place or a hall for your concert, event or something else?

Concerts autumn term 2024

The deadline for registering concerts for the autumn semester 2024 was May 10th. The form is still open, and you can still sign up - but these will be given second priority and, as a general rule, will not be included in NMH's seasonal programme.

Deadline for concerts autumn 2024

How to book a concert hall

If you're planning a concert or other event at NMH or announced by NMH, NMHs production department has to be involved before booking and announcement. NMH is planning concerts and events in two seasons, we're each semester announcing a form for submitting requests:

Concert request form – time of announcement

  • Form for concerts during the spring semester is announced in October.
  • Form for concerts during the autumn semester are announced in April/May.

These are the main deadlines for submitting a concert request in the official program of the Academy. Requests made after the given deadline are regarded as a second priority. After the primary season is planned, possibly available venues may be booked continuously throughout that semester.

Concerts in other rooms and spaces than the halls

Concerts and public concerts in other spaces and rehearsal rooms at NMH are not allowed without approval by the production team.

Internal rehearsal concerts

Students can book and host internal rehearsal concerts in Lindeman, Levin and Sandvoldsalen. This is an excellent opportunity to gain performance practice and fulfil course requirements regarding public performances.

Read more about internal rehearsal concerts on a separate page.

Book a hall for other activities

Lindeman and Levinsalen may also be booked for recordings. The halls can typically not be booked for rehearsals other than if they are available two days before the rehearsal time or if particular space, acoustic or technical considerations must be made.


Please e-mail us if you have any questions.