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Face masks – what about them?

At the Norwegian Academy of Music we must now wear a face mask when we are moving in common areas. This applies to the reception area, library, canteen, lifts, staircases and corridors.

When we are sitting still, we do not need to wear a mask, but when we stand up and get ready to leave a room – where crowding could occur – we must wear a mask.

Why must we be so strict at the Academy?

The Academy is a government institution and is considered a public space. As long as the City of Oslo has ordered people to wear a mask in public spaces, we must comply with this.

We have strict measures in place at the Academy, but this is because we want to keep the school open for instruction on the principal instrument and for practising. The school’s closure in March presented a serious challenge to a lot of people, and we want to do everything we can to avoid a recurrence of that situation.

Using a face mask correctly

The World Health Organization has made this video about the correct use of face masks.

Face masks, finances and environmental protection

We are in the process of ordering reusable face masks for employees and students, but it will be a while before they arrive.

If you Google “how to make your own face mask”, you will find some inspiration for making your own simple face mask out of an old T-shirt, for example. This is much more environmentally friendly than a disposable face mask and is not expensive to make.

A face mask does not replace social distancing

Remember that a face mask is no substitute for social distancing. Stay 2 metres away from others even if you are wearing a mask.

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