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Cham­ber Music for Mas­ter Stu­dents

  • Year of study: Two semesters, fall and spring
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course instructor
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English

Course description

Elective course for master students with an already established chamber music group. All group members must apply for the course like any other elective course. In addition, information about which students are in the group, as well as repertoire and instructor requests, must be sent to no later than 15 May the semester ahead of the semester start.

Students at MAUT and MADIUT can apply for the course.

Responsible department: String and Harp Department.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, students are expected to

  • be able to realize and communicate their artistic and technical skills
  • be able to communicate chamber music in an interesting and personal manner, demonstrating confidence in the genre


The students' suggestions for repertoire and group composition is the starting point for instruction. Instructor requests will be met, as far as possible.

Based on the chamber music literature available for each instrument, the course may include study and interpretation of chamber music pieces for various ensembles, from different periods and various genres, as well as concert performances.

The volume of the repertoire must be a total of at least 40 minutes for the whole study year. In the case of particularly demanding pieces, exemption from this repertoire volume may be granted. The repertoire cannot be part of the repertoire in Principle Instrument or Repertoire.


The course is organized as rehearsals initiated by the group itself and of tuition from a chamber music teacher. Students should preferably play in groups of 3 or more people. Duos are acceptable only when the repertoire places equal demands on both performers. Chamber music places heavy demands on students' ability to plan, organise, choose repertoire and rehearse.

Course requirements

Semester schedule

Each semester, chamber music groups will create a semester schedule with their chamber music instructor. The semester schedule will include

  • names of group members
  • a repertoire of approx. 40 minutes (per year)
  • chamber music rehearsal dates
  • dates for tuition with an instructor

Deadline: The semester schedule must be handed into the course coordinator no later than 15 September (fall semester) and 1 February (spring semester). Download form from the Academy web page.

Attendance is compulsory

Rehearsals in the semester schedule and rehearsals scheduled with the instructor are compulsory.


The chamber music group will perform their repertoire at 1 concert per semester, 2 concerts in total. The students will organise the event. The chamber music teacher will determine if the concert is approved. If the teacher is not able to attend the concert, it must be recorded, video or audio.

Deadline: All course requirements must be approved by 1 June.

Final assessment

All coursework requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined by the course coordinator based on each student’s individual level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, students must complete an additional chamber music project in the following semester.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025