Counselling and Physiotherapy
Do you need physiotherapy, hearing protection or perhaps someone to talk to?
Musicians’ health
Musicians and music students score highly on health-related problems. How can we prevent it? What is the NMH doing to support its students’ physical and mental health?
Do you need help right now, you can contact 24/7 open phone service or emergency hospital.
The Norwegian Academy of Music has a special physio service for students.
Hearing Protection
Use earplugs or other protection when in a loud environment. The Academy has negotiated a discount on earplugs from Hørselslaben.
Report Unwanted Conduct
Here, you can report any critical conditions at the Norwegian Academy of Music.
The Student Ombud
The Student Ombud gives advice to students and offers help in cases connected with the study situation. The Student Ombud is independent of the educational institution, and is subject to the duty of confidentiality.
Student Welfare Organisation (SiO)
On this page, you'll find everything you need to know about your student welfare organisation, SiO, such as housing and gyms, health services and kindergartens, associations and cafeterias.
Food and drink
To function well as a student, you need to eat and drink. The canteen at NMH is called Coda spiseri. When the canteen is closed, you can buy food from the vending machines.