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The Student Ombud

The Student Ombud gives advice to students and offers help in cases connected with the study situation. The Student Ombud is independent of the educational institution, and is subject to the duty of confidentiality.

A helping hand in your everyday student life

The Student Ombud can help you by
  • giving you insight into your rights and obligations as a student at the educational institution
  • helping to ensure that your rights are being protected so the case can be resolved
  • participating as a neutral third party in the meeting between you as a student and your educational institution, or between you and a fellow student
  • reading through drafts for applications or complaints
  • providing insight into what is involved when reporting, for example, harassment, bullying or breaches of security routines, and the way forward if you decide to report something that deserves to be criticised
  • giving you advice if you want to report something anonymously

When can you contact the Student Ombud?

The Student Ombud’s offices are at the University of Oslo, and the NMH shares the Student Ombud with five other institutions of higher learning in Oslo.

  • When you have a problem and do not know who to turn to.
  • When you have a problem and are uncertain of the way forward.
  • When you have a problem, you have reported but feel that you are not being heard, or that the response is inadequate/incorrect, or you have not received a response within the prescribed deadline.

A Student Ombud is an independent assistance body in student cases and a low-threshold service for claims regarding harassment. The Student Ombud shall guide students regarding complaints and contribute to resolving issues at the lowest possible level.

The Student Ombud
Student Ombud Pål Gustavsen. Photo: Marte Buaas

The Student Ombud's name is Pål Gustavsen. He's a lawyer and has, among other things, been a Senior Advisor at the Equality and Discrimination Tribunal for six years. He plays in a band (Grand Island) in his spare time and works a bit with film. He also has several additional law subjects, as well as a Bachelor's of arts from the US.