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Con­cert Pro­duc­tion for Bach­el­or Stu­dents II

  • Year of study: One semester, spring
  • Final assessment: Oral exam
  • Prerequisites: KONSPRO20
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/ English

Course description

KONSPRO21 is a follow up-course to KONSPRO20 and involves implementation and evaluation of the concert concept developed in KONSPRO20.

The course has two start up-gatherings in the fall semester, while the remaining classes will be in the spring semester.

The course provides the students with experience in developing, implementing and evaluating concert concepts aimed at specific target groups and venues. The course gives practical experience in communication with employers and other potential collaborators, as well as training in PR and marketing.

Students will form groups of 3–5 persons. To optimise their benefit of the course, students are encouraged to apply as ensembles, (for instance chamber music ensembles), however, the course is also open to individual applicants.

Course coordinator: Brass, Woodwind and Percussion Department.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the student is expected to:

  • have experience with different areas of concert production
  • have knowledge of various parts of the market and target groups that are relevant to their own productions
  • be able to carry out a concert production all the way from concept development to performance, including project presentations and writing applications
  • be able to reflect on their own experience


  • Planning, production, implementation and evaluation of concert concepts where the student participates as a performer and program creator
  • Continuation of topics dealt with in KONSPRO20, like concert dramaturgy, storytelling, staging, lighting and multimedia
  • Communication with concert arrangers and other potential partners
  • Concert PR
  • Create concert programs, plan PR and press contact


Lessons are organised as lectures and group sessions. Students will be divided into groups that will plan and implement various concerts in various venues. Each group has the possibility of receiving group tutoring.

Approximate teaching resource is 90 minutes a week for 10 weeks. At least two double lessons will be held in the fall to get students started thinking about concepts and creating contact with potential venues so they will be able to hold concerts in the spring semester.

Course requirements

  1. Attendance is compulsory. More than 20 % absence from class will normally cause the student to fail the subject.
  2. Students must develop and perform at least one conceptual concert project adapted to a specific target group and venue.
  3. Students will produce a portfolio with suitable documentation of their concert concept, like a concert script, film or sound recording, their own written comments and other relevant material created for the production.

Deadline: All course requirements must be finished by 10 April.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Assessment is based on the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined in an oral exam. Assessment is done by two internal examiners, of which one is the course coordinator

Oral exam

The oral exam is a 20-minute individual examination that takes place at the end of the academic year. The portfolio (see Course requirements) will be presented and discussed with two internal examiners.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Published: May 15, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025