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Instru­ment­al Folk Dance Play­ing

Year of study: One semester, autumn
Final assessment:
Assessment from course coordinator
Language of instruction
: Norwegian/English

Course description

I emnet vil studentene lære repertoar og samspill innenfor ulike runddans/gammeldanstradisjoner, og prøve seg på å spille til dans. Emnet er åpent for alle studenter, men folkemusikkstudenter vil bli prioritert.

Students will learn repertoire and ensemble playing within various round dance/old dance traditions, and will be given the opportunity playing for dance. The course is open to all students, but folk music students will be prioritized.

Course coordinator: Jazz, Improvised Music and Traditional Nordic Folk Music Department

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, students are expected to

  • Has acquired a repertoire within round dance/old dance on their instrument
  • Can play for dancing
  • Demonstrates an overview of key performers in this genre and central repertoire on their own instrument


The teaching will be organized in groups. The instructor will present a repertoire for the group to study and arrange together. Towards the end of the semester, the group will play for dancing.


The group will have elven sessions of three teaching hours (135 minutes) during the autumn semester. Some of the sessions will take place in the evening, where students, together with the instructor, will play for dancing. It is expected that students work independently and non-teacher-directed between sessions.

Course requirements

Participation in the scheduled lessons is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% will normally lead to failure of the course.

It is mandatory for students to participate in playing for dancing at least one time.

Final assessment

All coursework requirements (arbeidskrav) must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Students are assessed in correspondence to the learning outcomes of the course. The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, which shall be determined on the basis of her or his level demonstrated through the course work.

New assessment

Students failing the course will have to apply to re-follow the course for a new assessment. Students may only re-follow the course if there are available places.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025