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Video for com­posers and musi­cians

  • Year of study: One semester, autumn
  • Final assessment: assessement from course instructor
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English

Course description

The course is particularly aimed at composition students and students who wish to experiment with their own performance and use video as part of their artistic expression.

Course coordinator: Composition, Music Theory and Music Technology Department

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, it is expected that the student

  • has gained practical experience with basic techniques such as camera operation, framing, editing, montage, and effects.
  • has knowledge of the relationship between sound and image.
  • can experiment with various aesthetic possibilities surrounding video and sound.
  • has knowledge of key reference works.


Video has become almost like a new independent instrument in contemporary music and modern music performance. For many composers and musicians, working with and producing video has become an essential part of their artistic expression. In this course, students will have the opportunity to work practically and creatively with video as a medium of expression, both in the form of standalone visual experiments and in combination with sound and music, possibly as part of a score and involving musicians and musical performance, with the possibility of large or small compositional or performative projects.

The course will also provide fundamental theoretical knowledge in the use of video, camera operation, framing, editing, and composition of moving images. Reference works and examples from both modern music, video art (in visual arts), and film will be discussed.

Students will have the opportunity to develop works or small performances under guidance.


The course is organized into nine sessions of 2 hours each over one semester. The teaching will include a variety of lectures, demonstrations of techniques, and sharing and discussion of short video etudes.

Course requirements

  1. Participation in the scheduled lessons is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% will normally lead to failure of the course.
  2. Students must present their works in a public performance at the end of the semester.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Students are assessed in correspondence to the learning outcomes of the course. The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, which shall be determined on the basis of her or his level demonstrated through the course work.

New assessment

Students failing the course will have to apply to re-follow the course for a new assessment. Students may only re-follow the course if there are available places.

Published: Mar 31, 2022 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025