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Pro­ject Con­cen­tra­tion Elect­ive

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: Generally the first year of study. Alternatively, the second year of study.
  • Final assessment: In accordance with applicable regulations for the elected course.
  • Prerequisites: Dependent on the elected course and educational institution.
  • Language of instruction: Dependent on the elected course and educational institution.

Course description

Course Organise: PhD Committee.

The candidate completes a study or course in a self-elected subject relevant to theoretical, science philosophical, and/or research methodological problems/issues in her or his research project and dissertation.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the candidate is expected to be able to document specialised knowledge in the chosen concentration.


Course content is organised in one of three ways:

Alternative A: External research course with outlined lectures/seminars, literature/materials, and assessment. If the course is not a PhD level course, the candidate must obtain approval from the PhD Committee before the course commences.

Alternative B: Internal research course with outlined lectures/seminars, literature/materials, and assessment.

Alternative C: Independent study of selected literature (700-800 pages). An essay corresponding to specified requirements shall document the completion of the course. An independent study may encompass multiple external and/or internal courses of smaller scope. Selected literature and course(s) must be approved by the PhD Committee before the course commences.

So-called "transferrable skills" (f.ex. academic writing, language courses and basic course in university and college pedagogy) can not be included in DRVALG90.

See guidelines for independent study and essay requirements (Canvas).


The organising institution determines the structure of an external elective course. Internal courses at NMH are normally comprised of lectures and seminars. An independent study is organized and completed in accordance with the independent study guidelines and essay requirements.

Course requirements

If choosing to complete an internal or external course, the course requirements will be determined by the organising institution(s).

An independent study (alternative C) requires pre-approval from the PhD Committee ("DRU"). The application should include the following:

  • a list of selected literature (700-800 pages i equal to 10 ECTS credits)
  • title
  • research question
  • a short abstract
  • submission date
  • supervisor's recommendation

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the candidate is given a final assessment.

Candidates are assessed in relation to the learning objectives. The final assessment will be marked in accordance with the applicable marking scheme set out in the respective course description/outline.

Candidates completing courses at the Academy (including Independent Study) must submit a final essay of 7000-8000 words, excluding references and supplementary documentation, for final assessment. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined by an internal or external examiner.

Candidates completing courses at other institutions are assessed in accordance with grading regulations at the respective institution(s). Required documentation of the completion of such external courses include course certificate/official transcripts of academic records indicating course content and scope. The documentation must be submitted to the PhD Committee for approval with the form PhD Training Component – Documentation of Fulfillment, Dokumentasjon av opplæringsdelen, once all courses and requirements of the PhD Training Component have been completed.

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures as for an ordinary assessment will be followed.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 28, 2023