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Music Activ­it­ies for Chil­dren and Young People

The number of places available is limited. Relevant collaboration partners are UngMusikk and TUP, among others. Students must submit a simple project draft to Admission to the course is decided after a conversation with the applicants about these project drafts.

Course description

The elective course is directed towards music activities with children and young people through the UngMusikk collaboration in the Viken county administration and TUP (the NMH’s talent development programme). The course is connected with ongoing collaborations and projects that the NMH participates in together with members of the music community outside the school. During the course, the students will plan and implement their own projects together with the various academic communities that are involved, and the projects may be associated with various areas that are of interest to students in the UngMusikk and TUP programmes.

Learning objectives

After completing the course the student is expected to

  • be able to plan and implement a musical project with a selected group of pupils
  • document the insight and expertise that have been developed in cultural work with the relevant target group, and
  • be able to reflect on and convey the experience gained through the project work


Students may apply individually or in groups. The application must include a project draft that is aimed at a defined target group. Prior to the application deadline, information will be provided about several possible projects and collaboration partners with which the students may get involved.



At the beginning of the course, four lectures will be held for the group as a whole, discussing the project work and the workshops. All students will present their project ideas, which will be approved by the course coordinator. After the project work has been completed, a seminar is held where the students present their projects to each other.

Observation/dialogue meeting

In preparation for the planning and implementation of the individual projects, the students meet with their target groups and collaboration partners. Agreements are made as to whether the meeting(s) will be observed in any way, or will include practical tasks for assistants or other participants.

Individual projects

The students’ individual projects are implemented and documented.

Course requirements

Participation in all parts of the course is mandatory.

The student gives an oral presentation about the project of around 10 minutes duration. This must include documentation in a suitable format during the presentation (video/sound/images).

Final assessments

All coursework must be approved before the student can be given a final assessment.

The student is assessed in relation to the learning objectives of the course. The final assessment will be a pass/fail grade and is determined by the subject teacher on the basis of an individual assessment of the student’s academic level through the work accomplished in the course.


No reassessments will be carried out for the course.

Published: Mar 19, 2021 — Last updated: Apr 6, 2022