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Applied piano I

Course description

The course provides basic training in keyboard skills for students on the

  • Bachelor of Music in music performance – classical (except pianists)
  • Bachelor of Music in music performance – improvised music / jazz (incl. singers and pianists)
  • Bachelor of Music in church music

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • be able to use the piano as a supporting instrument for solo performance and accompaniment
  • master basic piano techniques
  • be able to perform piano pieces from printed music and by ear
  • master rudimentary chord charts and transposition on the piano


Depending on the student’s previous experience and future career plans, the course will cover

  • performing from sheet music
  • ensemble playing and accompaniment
  • performing from chord symbols
  • transposition
  • playing by ear
  • basic piano techniques

Priority will be given to the different items above depending on the students’ genres and level of skill.

For students whose principal instrument is jazz piano, the lessons will emphasize technique and classical repertoire.


Lessons are given individually and/or in groups of up to four students. Lesson times should be agreed by the course tutor and students.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the “Structure” section of the relevant programme of study.

The students are automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the education plan.

Course requirements

The students should produce a repertoire list lasting at least 20 minutes and including all topics covered on the course. The minimum level of skill should be equivalent to Kabalevsky’s "24 Little Pieces" and simple standard tunes with chord symbols. Students whose principal instrument is jazz piano should produce a repertoire list concentrating on notated music.

Deadline: The repertoire list must be approved by the course tutor by 15 May in the second semester of the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. Final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined on the basis of one of the following:

Option 1 (standard option)

Students who choose option 1 commit themselves to attending at least 80% of the course. The students should also perform in an in-house concert each semester. The final assessment is based on the student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

Option 2

The final assessment is made on the basis of a practical exam with at least two internal examiners in which the student performs an own-choice programme lasting approx. 15 minutes. The students will also be tested in sight-reading and basic transposition.

Any student who wishes to use option 2 must email before 1 February in the second semester of the course.

New assessment

In the event of a fail, the student must sit a practical exam as described under Option 2 above.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Dec 18, 2023