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Philo­sophy of Sci­ence

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: The first year of study.
  • Final assessment: Essay, Internal or external examiner.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the PhD programme.
  • Language of instruction: Scandinavian languages and English.

Course description

The course consists of theory of science topics that are relevant to music research. The overall aim is to draw a map of music research and place one's own and others' research in a larger theoretical landscape.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, the candidate is expected to

  • have acquired a broad understanding of key issues in philosophy of science
  • be able to analyse and discuss key theoretical traditions, positions, concepts, ways of thinking and issues related to music research
  • be able to discuss issues related to the theory of science in their dissertation


The course content is divided into two parts: One common part with a stated syllabus equivalent to 5 credits (5-600 pages), and an individual, self-selected part equivalent to 2.5 credits (250-300 pages).

The common part includes overarching topics such as ontology and epistemology, realism and constructivism. Other relevant topics include phenomenology, hermeneutics, critical theory, feminist theory, poststructuralism, postcolonialism and posthumanism.


The teaching comprises lectures, presentations, discussions, assignments and independent literature studies.

The tuition takes place in the first year of the programme.

The candidate is automatically registered for teaching/supervision and assessment in the course in accordance with the progression set out in the curriculum.

Course requirements

The research fellow must submit a bibliography for the self-selected part by a deadline set by the course coordinator. The bibliography must be approved by the PhD leader or the person authorised by the PhD leader (course coordinator).

Attendance at the co-researchers presentations related to the self-selected part is mandatory.

Deadlines for submitting individual bibliographies and essays can be found in separate guidelines on the PhD programme's internal website (

Final assessment

The course is documented with an essay of 5-6000 (excluding references and appendices) words related to the common part of the course and a presentation related to the self-selected part of the course.

The literature for the essay can be from both the common syllabus and the self-selected part of the course.

The candidate is assessed in relation to the course's learning objectives. The final assessment is expressed as a pass/fail grade and is determined by an external or internal examiner.

See separate guidelines for the essay on the programme's internal website (


The same rules apply to reassessment as to ordinary assessment.

Study component

Published: Sep 15, 2020 — Last updated: Mar 3, 2025