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Pro­ject-spe­cif­ic com­pon­ent

  • Course type: Part of the research training component.
  • Course level: PhD.
  • Year of study: Years 2 and 3.
  • Final assessment: Assessment by the course co-ordinator.
  • Admission criteria: Qualified for admission to the PhD programme in Artistic Research.
  • Language of instruction: English.

Course description

The candidate should propose a topic comprising activities of particular relevance to the project in question. This could be courses, seminars etc. organised by external educational institutions or other relevant institutions in Norway or abroad. Courses at master’s level will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances and only when particularly relevant to the project. Study or research visits to institutions abroad may be included in the course. Teaching activities at the NMH or another institution may form part of the course in highly exceptional circumstances, but only if relevant resources are present and able to provide feedback, e.g. a supervisor, and only if the teaching involves trialling and exploring particular methods or theories used in the project. The candidate must demonstrate that the teaching is likely to lead to specific learning outcomes linked to the project.
Ordinary activities such as literature studies, learning musical works, supervision, workshops linked to artistic production or presentation of the PhD project at the NMH (e.g. at staff assemblies or in the department) or similar may not form part of the course.
The candidate must apply to have the course approved by the programme committee by submitting a detailed description of planned activities and associated timetable along with a summary of how many ECTS credits the various activities on the course will generate. The plan must be drawn up in consultation with the lead supervisor and submitted to the programme committee by the end of the second semester in the case of full-time candidates and by the end of the third semester in the case of candidates employed in 0.75 (or 0.80) FTE positions.
One ECTS credit is equivalent to 30 hours of work, including preliminary work and any supplementary work. The course amounts to 210 hours.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Dec 18, 2023