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Ana­lys­is II

  • Year of study: Year 2, over two semesters.
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course instructor.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Music in Music Theory Programme.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English.

Course description

The course covers analysis in a broad sense as a music theory methodology within different musical genres, in contemporary music and in various historical and aesthetic contexts. The aural and interpretative aspects of analysis are central to the course. The students’ respective specialisations will be taken into account when preparing the contents of the course.

The course is taught as a joint weekly seminar for students in their first and second years (respectively TEAN70 Analysis I and TEAN71 Analysis II) and brings together all the students on the master’s programme in music theory.

The second semester of the course also serves as a forum for presenting the students’ master’s theses.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • Be able to describe and in a reflected manner discuss the correlation between analysis and interpretation
  • Be able to apply and communicate analytical strategies in relation to musical performance
  • Be able to reflect independently on the aesthetic aspects of musical analysis in different genres
  • Be able to relate analytical methods to history and aesthetics and apply them in independent work
  • Possess in-depth knowledge of analytical literature, both historical and contemporary
  • Be able to communicate analytical knowledge to performers, specialists and the public at large, both verbally and in writing


The course addresses various analytical methods and traditions such as aural analysis, rhetorical analysis, Schenkerian analysis, “neue Formenlehre”, analytical methods for folk music and jazz as well as various methods for analysing harmony.


The course is structured as themed modules with lectures, student presentations, literature study and practical analysis. One-off seminars are also held. In addition to the modules there is normally also a core reading list of 250–500 pages per semester. The reading list will be made available at the start of the semester. The students will also be working independently on analytical and reflective assignments.

The modules are offered in both TEAN70 Analysis I and TEAN71 Analysis II. An annual schedule for the course will be issued at the start of the semester.

The student is automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the study plan.

Course requirements

1. Attendance

Attendance is mandatory for this course. This means that more than 20% nonattendance will normally cause the student to fail the course

2. Semester assignment

An extensive analytical assignment on a given topic is set in the first semester of the course. The assignment may be linked to the student’s master projects.

The assignment will be issued on a date set by the course instructor.
Length: approx. 3,000 words

: 1 December in the third semester of the programme.

If the student is undertaking an exchange in the third semester of the programme, the semester assignment may be replaced by a similar assignment at the host institution. The student and course instructor must agree on the nature and format of the assignment in writing.

3. Oral presentation of master's project

In the fourth semester of the programme the student will twice present and discuss their ongoing master’s project. The student should prepare a text to be distributed to their peers and teacher prior to the presentations. The dates of the presentations will be stated in the annual schedule for the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the student to be given a final assessment.

The student will be judged on the basis of the learning objectives for the course. The assessment is expressed in the form of a pass/fail and is determined by the course coordinator on the basis of an overall evaluation of the learning outcomes achieved by the student during the course.


The same rules apply to reassessments as to ordinary assessments.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025