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Artist­ic Research in Music

  • Course type: Part of the research training component.
  • Course level: PhD.
  • Year of study: Years 1 and 2.
  • Final assessment: Assessment by the course co-ordinator.
  • Prerequisites: Qualified for admission to the PhD programme in Artistic Research.
  • Language of instruction: English.
  • Programme: PhD programme in Artistic Research
  • Course co-ordinator: Programme Committee for the PhD in Artistic Research

Course description

The course has two main themes: 1) Contextualisation, and 2) Approaches to documentation and reflection. As regards the first theme, the candidate will receive training in how to present their project in relation to processes around artistic choices and turning points, the use of theory and methodology, dialogue with various networks and professional communities etc., definitions and descriptions of the candidate’s artistic outlook and work within the field in question – both nationally and internationally – and the project’s contribution to development in the field. The course also includes presentations of other people’s artistic research projects in light of this. The second theme concerns various approaches to documentation and reflection. The candidate will participate in a seminar involving a range of different presentations relating to writing and reflection. They will also take part in group work and discussions in which they must present their project in light of this.

Learning objectives

Upon completing the course, the candidate is expected to:

  • be able to define their project in relation to processes around artistic choices and turning points, the use of theory and methodology, dialogue with various networks and professional communities etc., definitions and descriptions of the candidate’s artistic outlook and work within the field in question – both nationally and internationally – and the project’s contribution to development in the field and to discuss and problematise their own project and those of others in light of this
  • be familiar with different approaches to documentation and reflection in artistic research on music composition and performance and be able to present and discuss their own project and those of others in light of this


The course comprises

  • two seminars


The course involves two all-day seminars. The first seminar will take place in the second semester (Year 1), while the second seminar will take place in the fourth semester (Year 2). The first seminar covers contextualisation, while the second seminar covers different approaches to documentation and reflection. The seminars will include lectures, group work and project presentations, amongst other things.

Course requirements

  • Two all-day seminars over two days. Active participation in both seminars.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the candidate to be given a final assessment.

The candidate will be judged on the basis of the learning objectives for the course. The course is assessed on a pass or fail basis by the programme committee subject to the approved course requirements.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025