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Artist­ic Spe­cial­isa­tion I — Pro­ject

  • Year of study First year of study (autumn and spring)
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course instructor
  • Prerequisites: Admission to Master of Music Performance
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English

Course description

The course is for students in the following concentrations in the Master of Music in Performance programme:

  • Solo Instrument or Chamber Music Ensemble
  • Performance and Research - Classical perfomers

During the course, the student is expected to become more aware of their identity, their roles and opportunities within the music business. The main focus is on being able to identify, develop and present their professional portfolio.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, students are expected to

  • show awareness of their artistic identity and be able to contextualise their own artistic work
  • master a range of music practices, demonstrating presentation skills and knowledge
  • be able to initiate, complete and direct artistic projects
  • show basic skills in using various media channels
  • be critically aware of ethical issues related to their discipline, and have acquired professional work ethics
  • be aware of economic conditions related to realising their artistic vision

The students will be assessed based on the same learning objectives in the different variants of Artistic Specialisation. On completion of the course, Artistic Specialisation I – Project, the student's progress in relation to the learning objectives will be assessed as satisfactory or not. On completion of the course Artistic Specialisation in the second year of the programme, the students will be assessed according to the learning objectives of the course.


The course includes planning, implementation and evaluation of a project/projects.


The student is expected to plan, implement and evaluate a project/projects. These should be completed artistic projects designed to prepare the student to complete the master's work, but should not overlap with this. Projects are documented in a format agreed with the supervisor (concert, recording or similar). A written reflection on the processes in each project must be submitted. Requirements for the projects

Requirements for the projects

At least one of the projects must meet one or more of the criteria in the bullet points below:

  • The project must be interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary (for example, include elements of arts such as dance, visual art, film, etc).
  • The project should be implemented/presented externally (outside the current institution).
  • The project should be linked to perspectives relating to the music business or music in society.


Each student/ensemble is assigned a supervisor, normally one of the university's permanent teachers, at the start of the study. The supervisor follows the student throughout the course, providing professional and practical advice and feedback. A fixed guidance resource is associated with this role. The student also receives project funds that are disposed of in consultation with the supervisor. The projects are planned and implemented by the students themselves, but in consultation with the supervisor.

The student(s) themselves are responsible for the progression, and must ensure to make regular agreements with the supervisor and present material for and submit material (notes, recordings, project description, etc.) so that the progression is maintained.

The student(s) are practically and financially responsible within resource frames provided by the university for all matters related to project and concert organization, project execution, sound and video recordings.

The student is automatically registered for teaching/guidance and assessment in the subject, according to the progression established in the education plan.

Course requirements

Process portfolio

  • Project plan for each project must be approved by the supervisor before the start of the project. The plan should include a description of the practical planning and implementation.
  • Documentation in a suitable format of completed projects. Extent: A minimum of 45 minutes of recorded music. The supervisor approves the documentation.
  • Overview of studied repertoire for 65 minutes.
  • A log/reflection paper on each project. Each log/reflection paper (approx. 1500 per projector, or about 2500 words if one large project is carried out) must be submitted to the supervisor for approval before a deadline set by the supervisor.

Deadline: The process portfolio must be completed and approved by the supervisor by 15 April in the second semester of the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

The student will be assessed on the basis of the learning objectives for the course as described in this course description in the paragraph for Learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark which is determined by the course instructor based on the student's level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Published: Jun 26, 2024 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025