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Artist­ic spe­cial­isa­tion II – Pro­ject

  • Year of study: Second year of study, one semester (autumn)
  • Final assessment: Exam Portfolio
  • Prerequisites: Admission to Master in music performance
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English.

Course description

The course is for students in the following concentrations in the Master of Music in Performance programme:

  • Improvised music/Jazz
  • Individual concentration
  • Performance and Research (for students playing improvises music/jazz)

Students take this course in the third semester of the study programme, and it aims to support the Master's Project. Key aspects of the course include the development of the students' artistic identity and the ability to express themselves artistically as well as refinement of their technical skills and skills in musical presentation and communication.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, students are expected to

  • show awareness of their artistic identity and be able to contextualise their own artistic work
  • master a range of music practices, demonstrating presentation skills and knowledge
  • be able to initiate, complete and direct artistic projects alone and with others
  • be able to complete interdisciplinary projects
  • show basic skills in using various media channels
  • be critically aware of ethical issues related to their discipline, and have acquired professional work ethics
  • be aware of economic conditions related to realising their artistic vision

The students will be assessed based on the same learning objectives in Artistic Specialisation I – Project and Artistic Specialisation II – Project. On completion of the course Artistic Specialisation II – Project, the students will be assessed according to the learning objectives of the course.


The course consists of planning, implementing and evaluating projects on the student's own and under the leadership of others.


Students will plan, implement and evaluate projects. The projects should be completed artistic projects designed to prepare the student for completing their Master's project but should not overlap with it. Students will document their projects in a format agreed upon with their supervisor (concert, recording etc.). A written reflection paper on the specific processes of each project must be submitted.

Semester project requirements

Must be met when students have completed the courses Artistic Specialisation I – Project and Artistic Specialisation II – Project:

  • A minimum of one project must be interdisciplinary (it can include elements from other art forms, such as dance, visual arts, film etc.).
  • A minimum of one project must be performed at a public venue (outside the institution).
  • A minimum of one reflection paper must be on perspectives from the music business or music in society.

Ensemble projects

All Improvised Music and Jazz students participate in one ensemble project each study year.

Projects for students at the individual concentration

Projects will be organised for students at the individual concentration each study year. Examples of projects can be ensemble/band playing, working on recording projects, interdisciplinary projects or seminars on relevant topics. The programme coordinator will decide the contents of the projects in dialogue with the students and the academic staff.


Each student or ensemble will be assigned a supervisor at the beginning of their studies, usually from among the Academy's permanent instructors. The supervisor follows the ensemble/student throughout the entire course of study and provides advice and feedback regarding the planning, rehearsal and implementation of the various projects. The supervisor disposes of a determined tutoring resource. Students will also dispose of a project grant together with their supervisor. Projects are planned and implemented by students in agreement with their supervisor.


Project weeks for all improvised music and jazz students.

Students are responsible for their own progression and must make regular appointments with and submit materials to the instructor(s) (scores, recordings, project description, etc.) so that they maintain their progression as agreed.

Within the parameters established by the Academy, the student or students are responsible in practical as well as financial terms for all aspects associated with the project and concert organisation, the implementation of the project, and audio and video recordings.

For an overview of recommended amounts of instruction and organisation, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Students have registered automatically for instruction/supervision and assessment in the course in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

1. Project plan

The project plan must be approved by the supervisor before the project starts, and this includes a description of the plan and realisation of the project.

2. Process portfolio

Students will assemble a portfolio including

  • a plan for each project is to be approved by the supervisor prior to starting the project. The plan should describe the practical planning and implementation of the project
  • Documentation in a suited format, documenting completed projects (approx. 180 minutes of recorded music in total for the courses Artistic specialisation I Project and Artistic specialisation II - Project). The amount of minutes of documentation are indicative and should be seen in relation to the workload required for completing different types of projects. The documentation must be approved by the supervisor.
  • A log/reflection paper on each project. Each log/reflection paper (approx. 1200 per project) must be submitted to the supervisor for approval before a deadline set by the supervisor.

Deadline: The process portfolio must be completed and approved by the supervisor by 15 April in the second semester of the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the student to be given a final assessment.

Assessment is based on the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined based on each student's exam portfolio. Assessment is done by two internal examiners. Of which one is normally the principal supervisor.

Exam portfolio

Based on the process portfolio, students will assemble an exam portfolio, including

  • list of completed projects with a short description of each project
  • project plan, documentation and reflection paper for one project
  • reflection paper (approx. 1600 words) on the student's individual role as a musician and future career

Deadline: The exam portfolio must be submitted in three copies, including the student name and study programme, to the exams office by 1 December in the third semester of studies.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Published: Sep 14, 2021 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025