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  • Year of study: Years 1 and 2, over three semesters (autumn, spring, autumn).
  • Final assessment: Assessment by the course instructor / internal examiner.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Music in Performance Degree Programme.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English.

Course description

This course is for students in the Master of Music in Performance degree programme – Opera Répétiteur.

The course takes place over the first three semesters, and facilitates the student’s development as a conductor and provides an introduction to areas in which an opera répétiteur must excel in order to conduct and direct musical rehearsals, including from the piano.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, it is expected that student will

  • demonstrate conducting techniques and the ability to convey artistic expression
  • have obtained thoroughly developed and appropriate methods for music group rehearsals
  • have a thorough knowledge of repertoire
  • show good skills in musical leadership and communication
  • be critically aware of ethical issues related to their discipline, and obtain professional work ethics


The course covers the rehearsal of an extensive repertoire for various ensembles. The individual student’s area of interest and personal musical preferences will be highlighted but will at the same time be challenged. Key aspects of the course are the development of the students’ technical and artistic skills as a conductor and their ability to convey musical expression. The repertoire is planned in cooperation with the main teacher and will be connected with the students’ practicum in the course.

Most of the course is comprised of the student’s work with

  • conducting techniques
  • musical expression
  • rehearsal methods
  • understanding of musical scores
  • musical leadership and communication
  • psychology/teaching/leadership
  • knowledge of instruments
  • practical aural training

The course content may be adapted somewhat to the individual student’s qualifications and needs.


Individual and group instruction both weekly and in more concentrated seminars. The main activity in the course is participation in rehearsal ensembles.

Individualised plans will be set up for each student. The main teacher for the course is responsible for following up the students’ coursework.

For an overview of recommended amounts of instruction and organisation, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Students have registered automatically for instruction/supervision and assessment in the course in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in the individual education plan.

Performance reviews are held between the student and the programme coordinator/teachers’ team in which, among other things, the student’s goals and progress in the course are followed up. For more information, please see the section under Organisation in the general part of the programme description.

For an overview of the anticipated study progression, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Course requirements

1. Practicum

Participation in practicum activities is mandatory. Students must participate in one conducting project with a choir.

2. Course requirements for the individual topics are stated in the semester plan

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the student is given a final assessment.

Students are assessed in relation to the course objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined on the basis of an approved report. Assessments will be carried out by at least one internal examiner, usually the student’s main teacher.


The report must contain

  • overview of the student’s participation in various topics within the course; participation must be approved by the responsible teacher
  • overview of the student’s practicum with a rehearsal ensemble

The report must be signed by the student and the main teacher.

Deadline: The report must be submitted to the examinations office no later than 1 December in the third semester of studies.

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025