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Har­mony I

  • Year of study: First year
  • Final assessment: Assessment by course tutor or Written exam and take-home exam
  • Prerequisites: Admission to Bachelor in music performance (classical) or conducting
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English

Course description

Harmony is a practical subject in which the student should acquire fundamental knowledge of harmony and structure in Western art music. The student should develop an understanding of musical harmony for use as a tool in music performance such as interpretation and composition.

The subject is superseded by Harmony II (SATS11).

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • analyse and describe different types of harmony, including voice leading and form in repertoire for choir, piano, and small ensembles
  • harmonise melodic lines using tonal harmony


At the beginning of the subject, a placement test is given to determine the student's level (also see Course Requirements). If necessary, the student undergoes digital self-study until the test can be passed.

The teaching in the subject also includes:

  • voice leading
  • four-part harmony
  • harmonic analysis using scale degree and function symbols
  • reductive analysis


Tuition is given as lectures and in groups, in addition to self-study. It may also involve assignments, discussions, and study group work. Students submit and receive feedback on practice exercises.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the “Structure” section of the relevant programme of study.

The students are automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the education plan.

Students who have had all requirements approved by the end of the subject can receive assessment from the course instructor (see Final Assessment below).

Course requirements

Requirements 2 and 3 are only related to the assessment option Assessment from the instructor.

1. Placement Test. At the beginning of the subject, all students must complete a test that demonstrates the student's level of music theory. The test must be passed by December 15th for the student to receive final assessment.

2. Mandatory active participation is required for students who seek assessment from the instructor. This means that an absence of more than 20% results in the student being assessed through examination.

3. Up to 10 assignments are given per semester, related to the subject's progression. All assignments must be approved by the instructor. Assignments are typically given on a weekly basis.

Deadline: By April 30th of the subject's second semester, all requirements must be approved.

Final assessment

Assessment by course tutor

All course requirements in the subject must be approved for the student to be eligible for assessment from the instructor. The instructor determines whether there is sufficient basis for assessing the student using this assessment option.

The student is assessed in relation to the subject's learning objectives. Final assessment is expressed as pass/fail.

The instructor provides a comprehensive assessment of the student's academic level through their work in the subject.

If the assessment from the instructor results in a fail, the student may still be assessed through examination in the same semester.


Requirement 1 must be approved for the student to be eligible for final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. Final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark and is determined on the basis of a written exam and a take-home exam. The assessment is carried out by two internal examiners. Both exams must be passed in order to pass the course.

Written exam

Analysis task in harmony, voice leading, and form to be completed at the Academy. Duration: 2 hours.

Take-home exam

Harmonisation assignment on tonal harmony. The student has 24 hours to submit the exam.

The submission must be returned digitally to the examinations office by the deadline set by the academy.

New assessment

For reassessment, the assessment option Exam applies. In the case of a fail in one exam part, only that exam part should be retaken.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025