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Music The­ory and Ana­lys­is

  • REYear of study: Two semesters, fall and spring
  • Teaching time: Thursdays
  • Final assessment: Take-Home exam in the autumn and spring semesters
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the Continuing Studies in Music Theory and Music History, with the exception of NMH students who take the subject as an elective
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English

Course description

The course addresses harmony and form in the Western classical tradition.

The course can be taken as an elective or combined with Aural Skills (GEHØR51) and Music History (MUHIST51), each worth 10 study credits, as part of the Continuing Studies in Music Theory and Music History (videreutdanningen Musikkteori og musikkhistorie), of total 30 study credits. The course will provide a good foundation for further studies at the master’s level.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • have good skills in various forms and composition techniques from different historical periods.
  • have knowledge of musical expression in various forms and composition techniques.
  • be familiar with relevant methods and textbooks of harmony and music analysis.


The course includes topics such as

  • Form, structure and composition techniques in works from selected periods
  • Analytical methods
  • Harmony exercises in various stylistic traditions


The course is taught 90 minutes per week over one year. It is coordinated with Aural Skills (GEHØR51) and Music History (MUHIST51) and is scheduled on the same day as these courses. The teaching takes place in a group and includes lectures, practical exercises, and student presentations.

Course requirements

The student is expected to complete four assignments each semester. The assignments are specified in the semester plan provided by the teacher and presented either in writing or orally.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the student to be given a final assessment.

The student will be assessed on the basis of the learning objectives for the course. The assessment is expressed in the form of a pass/fail and is determined on the basis of a take-home exam consisting of written tasks, one per semester. The assessment is made by two internal sensors.

Take-home Exam

The student is given two written assignments in analysis, one during the autumn semester and one during the spring semester. The assignments can be score analyses and/or analytical texts. An assignment with mainly text should contain about 1200 words. The teacher will provide the topics for the assignments. The assignments are submitted within the deadline set by the teacher.


If the student does not pass, he or she must complete the exams that were not passed in the regular assessment. Then, a new overall assessment can be given for the course.

Published: May 13, 2022 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025