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PhD Intro­duct­ory Course with Eth­ics

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: The first year of study, over one semester (autumn).
  • Final assessment: Assessment by Course Organiser.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the PhD programme.
  • Language of instruction: Scandinavian languages. Occasionally, the instruction may be given in English.

Course description

Course Organiser: PhD Committee.

The PhD Introductory Course consists of three parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction to Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Methodology.
  • Part 2: Ethics.
  • Part 3: Writing Seminar.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the candidate is expected to

  • demonstrate her/his overview of central perspectives of epistemology, philosophy of science and methodology relevant for the PhD programme areas
  • be able to discuss problems of research methodological and ethical concern in her/his own doctoral work in light of the course materials
  • be able to identify relevant research ethical problems and consider these in relation to applicable legislations
  • demonstrate her/his overview of central principals of academic writing processes and scholarly text production, as well as her/his abilities to critically analyse and independently reflect on such texts and their composition


The course is divided in three parts:

Part 1: Introduction to Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Methodology

This course focuses on epistemological themes, including fundamental issues of ontology and epistemology, scientific terminology of truth and value, explanation vs. understanding, interests of science and reflectivity.

Part 2: Ethics

This course focuses on ethical questions related to data, methods and documentation, as well as relevant regulations.

Part 3: Writing Seminar

The seminar teaches essential practical topics related to scholarship and academic work such as

  • structuring of text
  • writing organisation
  • research presentation in various channels and to diverse groups
  • publication in authorised/points-awarding channels
  • “writer’s block” and how to handle this
  • giving feedback
  • intuitive writing


Part 1 is organised as lectures and seminars. The course is placed in the first week of the first academic year.

Part 2 is organised as lectures and seminars, normally with one part in the introductory week and one part towards the end of the first semester.

Part 3 requires active participation in analyses and presentation of scholarly texts, including the PhD candidates' own written work. Instruction is comprised of lectures and other forms of presentations, discussions, and assignments. Some course work may be completed via online learning platforms at the course instructor's discretion.

Students are automatically registered for instruction/supervision and assessment in the PhD Introductory Course in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in the education plan.

Course requirements

Attendance and active participation in all three parts of the course are compulsory. The course teacher may set alternate course requirements for individual candidates, for instance in regards to language.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the student is given a final assessment.

Students are assessed in relation to the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined by the PhD Committee Leader on the basis of approved course work requirements.

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures as for an ordinary assessment will be followed.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025