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Prac­tic­al Har­mon­isa­tion for Gui­tar­ists

Course description

The course is taken by all guitarists on the bachelor programme in music performance.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • be able to recognise harmonic structures and render them on the guitar
  • be able to improvise independently of the score
  • be able to improvise over chord symbols


The course involves

  • performing from chord symbols
  • transposing chord charts into the most commonly used guitar keys
  • analysing music according to different harmonisation techniques, including modal, functional and more unconstrained harmonisation principles


The tuition is normally given in groups.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the “Structure” section of the relevant programme of study.

The students are automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

At the end of the academic year the student should submit a repertoire list to be approved by the course tutor. The repertoire should be of at least 30 minutes’ duration and include all the topics covered on the course.

Deadline: The repertoire list must be approved by the course tutor by 15 May in the second semester of the course.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met before the student can be given a final assessment.

The assessment is based on the learning objectives for the course. The course is assessed on a pass or fail basis according to one of the following options:

Option 1 (standard option)

Students who choose option 1 commit themselves to attending at least 80 per cent of the course. The students should also perform in at least one in-house concert each semester. The final assessment is made on the basis of an individual evaluation of the student’s level of attainment.

Option 2

The final assessment is made on the basis of a practical exam with at least two internal examiners in which the student performs an own-choice programme lasting approx. 15 minutes. The students will also be tested in sight-reading and basic transposition.

Any student who wishes to use option 2 must email before 1 February in the second semester of the course.

New assessment

In the event of a fail, the student must sit a practical exam as described under Option 2 above.

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Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025