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Pro­ject Con­cen­tra­tion Elect­ive

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: Second year of study. Alternatively, the first year of study.
  • Final assessment: In accordance with applicable regulations for the elected course.
  • Prerequisites: Dependent on the elected course and educational institution.
  • Language of instruction: Dependent on the elected course and educational institution.

Course description

The candidate specialises in a self-chosen topic related to their own PhD project.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the candidate is expected to be able to document specialised insight in the chosen concentration.


Course content is organised in one of three ways:

Alternative A: External research course with outlined lectures/seminars, literature/materials, and assessment. If the course is not a PhD level course, the candidate must obtain approval from the PhD Committee before the course commences.

Alternative B: Internal research course with outlined lectures/seminars, literature/materials, and assessment.

Alternative C: Independent study of selected literature (5-600 pages). An essay corresponding to specified requirements shall document the completion of the course. An independent study may encompass multiple external and/or internal courses of a smaller scope. Selected literature and course(s) must be approved by the PhD Committee (or a person authorised by DRU) before the course commences.

Generic courses (also called "transferrable skills") such as courses in academic writing can be a part of DRVALG90 if it includes an essay that links the course's learning outcomes to the candidate's PhD project.

See separate guidelines for individual courses/essays on the programme's internal website.


The host institution determines the structure of an external elective course. Internal courses at NMH are normally comprised of lectures and seminars. An independent study is organized and completed in accordance with the independent study guidelines and essay requirements.

Course requirements

In external courses, the candidat follows the work requirements defined for the course.

In internal courses, the teacher can give assignments related to relevant topics. These must be completed by a set deadline and approved by the course coordinator.

For individual courses, PhD students must submit a registration form containing the title, research question, a brief description and a bibliography of 5-600 pages (for 5 credits). The enrolment must be approved by the PhD leader. The registration form can be found on the PhD programme's website (

Final assessment

The candidate is assessed in relation to the course's learning objectives. The final assessment is expressed as pass/fail.

In the case of external and internal doctoral courses, the form of assessment specified for the course in question is followed.

Individuelt kurs dokumenteres ved et essay på 5-6000 ord (for 5 studiepoeng), ekskl. referanser og vedlegg. Essayet vurderes av en ekstern eller intern sensor.

Individual courses are documented by an essay of 5-6000 words (for 5 credits), excluding references and appendices. The essay is assessed by an external or internal examiner.

See guidelines for the essay on the programme website (


The same procedure applies to reassessment as for ordinary assessment.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025