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Text and Present­a­tion For­um

Course description

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: All semesters.
  • Final assessment: PhD Committee
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the PhD programme
  • Language of instruction: Scandinavian languages and English.

Course description

The course encompasses four parts: Research Forum, Writing course, International conference participation and Research forum; conference participation with a presentation; and popular science dissemination. The course runs throughout the project period.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the candidate is expected to

  • present her/his original academic text and discuss this in a forum of researchers
  • present her/his original research to agents within relevant fields
  • receive and provide a constructive critique of research presentations


The course is comprised of

  1. Research forum.
  2. Academic and popular writing
  3. Conference participation with presentation (at an international conference).
  4. Popular science dissemination


The Research Forum takes place over two - three days per semester. The forum can be organised in a single session or spread over several days throughout the semester. PhD candidates present texts related to their PhD project.

See guidelines for the research forum on the programme website (

The writing course is normally held in the first year of the project periode and covers both academic writing and popular science writing. Examples of topics include structuring text, organising writing, intuitive writing, tools for writer's block, communicating research in different channels and to different groups, publishing, receiving and giving feedback.

Conference contributions and popular science presentations are organised in line with the traditions that apply where the presentations take place.

Course requirements

1. Research forum

  • The candidate must give at least three presentations during the project period. The first presentation must be of a revised project description, in accordance with the work requirements in the course DRAVHA90. Furthermore, the candidate must give at least two presentations, one of which must be a written paper submitted in advance and commented on by a prepared opponent.
  • The candidate must give at least one opposition to others' presentations/papers during the project period
  • Active participation in all research forums during the agreement period, regardless of the length of the agreement period

2. Writing course

  • Active participation with presentations
  • Assignments between the course days

3. International academic conference presentation

The PhD candidate must give presentation(s) related to the PhD project at a minimum of one international research conference. The presentation must include opposition and/or be accepted by a peer on the basis of the submitted text in line with established practice in the relevant field.

3. Popular science dissemination

The PhD candidate must conduct at least one popular science presentation of the project. The presentation(s) may be held internally at NMH ("fagdager"), externally or in the form of written or oral dissemination in a medium intended for a broad audience (newspaper, podcast, etc.). Project-related teaching also counts as popular science dissemination.

Completed work requirements must be registered in the ‘Form for approval of the training component’. The form must be accompanied by documentation of passed work requirements. The form must be sent to DRU for approval well in advance of the planned submission of the dissertation.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the candidate is given a final assessment.

Candidates are assessed in relation to the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined by the PhD Committee following the candidate’s submission of documentation for approval of the PhD Training Component

Special regulations apply for documentation and approval of the PhD Training Component.


In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures as for an ordinary assessment will be followed.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025