Programmes and Courses
Everything you need to know regarding exams, prospectuses, time schedules, lectures, exchange and so much more.
Exams, Reports and Transcripts
Exam schedules, grading, transcripts and diplomas. Report forms that must be submitted to fulfil course requirements.
Timetables and Course Schedules
Timetables, course schedules, chamber music, projects and practicums.
Elective courses
On this page you will find general information about elective courses.
The elective course catalog for the 2025/26 academic year will be published here in mid-March. -
Programme and Course Descriptions
Here you'll find the programme descriptions for current and previous years, including curriculums and course descriptions.
Special Needs and Absence
How to submit transfer credits requests, manage your courses, and apply for leave and special accommodations.
Policies and Regulations
Here you will find important policies, regulations and guidelines which applies for you and your studies at the Norwegian Academy of Music.