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Our Facilities

Study halls, showers, sauna, recording studios, lifts.

Facilities for students

Are you in need of a quiet place to study? Do you want to record a track? Or do you need to get warm on a cold winter's day?

Study spaces at the Academy

There may be times when you need a quiet space where you can immerse yourself in your study material before submissions or exams.

The Academy has an excellent quiet study space in the Library, which has the same opening hours as the Library itself. Here you will find power outlets at every desk. Also, there are several quiets corners in the Library where you can sit relatively undisturbed.

Heng plakater kun på tavlene

Heng plakater og oppslag på definerte tavler – ikke på vinduer, på vegger, dører eller i heiser. Du må plukke ned plakatene rett etter at arrangementet er ferdig. Unntak fra disse reglene får du kun etter avtale med NMH-drift, resepsjoneller produksjon.

Showers and sauna

In the basement of House 1, you will find showers and a sauna.

Unfortunately, the sauna is closed until further notice.

Previous opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 14:30–21:00.
  • Friday: 13:30–21:00.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 13:30–18:30.

Lockers for students

Lockers are located on the lower level of House 1.

This is how it works:

  1. Find an unoccupied locker and place you lock on it.
  2. Label the locker with your name and study programme. E.g. Ola Nordmann, KAUTKL-13.
  3. Unfortunately, there are not enough lockers for everyone, and availability is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis.

Recording studios

Our recording studios are used mainly for lectures in music technology, CD production, research and artistic development. They are also used as production studios for students who are taking a course in music technology.

Book a recording studio.

The lifts at the Academy

We have a few lifts for both human beings and goods.