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Advanced Music Per­form­ance One-Year Under­gradu­ate Pro­gramme – Clas­sic­al

Admission requirements

Admission to the programme normally requires completion of a Bachelor of Music degree (or equivalent as recognized by the Norwegian Academy of Music) with a minimum of 80 (ECTS) credits in Performance subjects. In addition to academic minimum requirements, entrance auditions and examinations will be administered, consistent with the placement examinations administered for admissions to the second module (3rd and 4th year) of the Bachelor of Music Performance degree programme at the Norwegian Academy of Music. The applicant’s level at the audition must at minimum be equivalent to the fulfilment requirements of the third year of the Bachelor of Music Performance degree programme at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Programme description

Advanced Music Performance Study is a one-year programme available only to advanced instrumentalists and singers with a background in Classical music, generally performers with a three-year Bachelor of Music Performance degree, who wish to concentrate on their principal instrument. The programme is equal to the 4th (final) year of studies in the Academy’s four-year Bachelor of Music Performance programme in Classical Music. Its content is specially designed to prepare students who wish to apply to a Master’s programme at the Norwegian Academy of Music, admission to which requires a level equal to the Academy’s own Bachelor of Music Performance four-year degree programme.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the Advanced Music Performance Study Programme students demonstrate

  • independent artistic capacity
  • creativity and communicative skills in performance
  • innovation and new ways of thinking
  • ability to perform a number of tasks that qualify them for various professions and are meaningful on an individual level as well as in-demand within music communities and contemporary society


The study programme comprises

  • performance studies (30 ECTS credits)
  • complimentary/elective courses (30 ECTS credits)

As a general rule, class attendance at the Academy is not compulsory. However, there are certain courses in which attendance is required. The reason for this is that the activity in the classroom in itself provides students with experiences that lead to insight, understanding and skills in the subject area, which may not always be documented/demonstrated on a test or examination. The individual course descriptions specify whether class attendance is compulsory.

ECTS credits are used as the unit of measure to express the scope of the courses in the study programme. One year of full-time study is equal to 60 credits. One credit corresponds to 27-30 hours of work including classroom instruction and independent work.


The Academy uses two marking systems giving either a final course mark of “passed” or “failed,” or a final course mark on a scale of A to F, where E is the lowest passing mark.

The individual course description specifies which system of marking will be used.

Additional provisions on assessment and examination are laid down in Chapter VI of the Regulations governing the study programmes at the Norwegian Academy of Music (

A final transcript of records will be issued when the student has completed the programme. All courses which are part of the study programme, as well as the marks and number of credits, will be stated on the transcript.

Education quality assurance

The Academy has a system for educational quality assurance and development that applies to all aspects of the education provided. Students play a vital role in these efforts by, among other things, participating in student evaluations of courses and programmes.

Indicative teaching hours

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 4, 2025