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Master’s Pro­ject

  • Year of study: Year 2, over two semesters.
  • Final assessment: Master's Project.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Music in Music Theory Programme.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English.

Course description

The Master's project should be an independent piece of work that investigates one or more aspects of music theory. The work may take an artistic, scientific or pedagogical perspective and should focus on music as an aural phenomenon. It should demonstrate a high level of music theory cognition and capacity for critical reflection.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • be able to plan, execute, document, and disseminate an independent research or development project in the field of music theory
  • document specialist knowledge of a defined area in the field
  • be able to apply relevant theories and analytical methods
  • be able to make use of, critically assess, and apply material from music theory research and development
  • be able to analyse and discuss music theory with peers and in public
  • be able to contribute to the development and innovation in music theory
  • be able to observe ethical standards and guidelines in their work


The Master's project is an independent piece of work on a chosen research or development topic related to music theory. The topic of the project must be approved by the supervisor.

In the fourth semester of the Master's programme, the student will present and discuss parts of their Master's project in at least two seminars in relation to TEAN71 Analysis II.


A supervisor will be assigned to each student's Master's project. The supervisor is tasked with giving the students advice and feedback as they work on the Master's project. The student is responsible for the progression of their Master's project and must make regular appointments with / submit material to the supervisor (written work, recordings, scores etc.) in order to maintain the agreed pace of progress.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the "Structure" section of the relevant programme of study.

The student is automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the study plan.

Course requirements

Project description and supervision agreement

The project description should run to 1,500 words and state the topic, objective, problem, scope, and timetable for the work.

See the Guidelines for the project description. A provisional reference list should be attached.

The project description must be approved by the supervisor. The supervision agreement between the student, the supervisor, and the Norwegian Academy of Music on the students' rights and obligations must be signed by both the student and the supervisor. The student is responsible for making contact with the supervisor.

Deadline: The supervision agreement and approved project description of the Master's project must be submitted to the exam office by 1 May.

The project description may be amended during the process. All changes must be approved by the supervisor.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the student to be enrolled for the final assessment.

The student will be judged on the basis of the learning objectives for the course. The final assessment is given as a graded mark and is determined on the basis of the Master's project. The assessment is made by one internal and one external examiner. The supervisor(s) is (are) not part of the exam panel.

Master's project

Length: approx. 20,000–25,000 words. This does not include the reference list and any attachments. This figure may be disregarded if other relevant documentation of the Master's project is used. In such cases, the length should be agreed upon with the lead supervisor. The project should be submitted with the abstract and title in both Norwegian and English. The abstract should be 150–200 words. Approval from the Norwegian Centre for Research Data should be enclosed with the Master's project where relevant.

The Master's project will be assessed on the basis of its

  • structure, language, and coherence of presentation
  • individuality, originality, and richness of ideas
  • reflected use of theory and methodology
  • academic investigation of the content
  • understanding and critical evaluation of the topic at hand

Deadline: 15 May in the fourth semester of the programme. The Master's thesis must be submitted electronically on the digital exam platform used by NMH. Read more about practical information and guidelines related to the Master's thesis.


The same rules apply to reassessments as to ordinary assessments.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 15, 2025