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Con­tinu­ing Stud­ies in Impro­visa­­tion-based con­tem­por­ary music

  • Year of study: Two semesters, Fall and Spring
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree in Performance, all genre specializations. In case of a high number of applicants, the composition of instruments to form a group will be a priority. The applicants' background and motivation will also be taken into account. A number of the study places are reserved for NMH students who choose this program as an elective.

Programme description

The development of one's own artistic agenda and a unique voice on the instrument is central to this continuing education, which is also offered as an elective for NMH students. Through improvisation, students explore the tonal and technical possibilities of their main instrument. In the programme, one gains experience with being an independent actor in improvised music, and with composed music that uses improvisation as a central element. No prior knowledge in improvisation is required.

Access to instruments such as organ and piano is subject to availability. Keyboard instrumentalists are allowed to use other portable instruments if applicable.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the programme, the student is expected to

  • be able to express personal musical ideas on their main instrument
  • be able to present independent, creative musical sound-making on their own instrument in forms which are relevant in the international contemporary music, and/or personal compositions
  • be able to create soundscapes/textures which are appropriate in musical sequences of various kinds
  • have knowledge of central musical pieces requiring co-composition/improvisation from the performer
  • have a technical understanding of their instrument's mode of operation and sound generation


The study is organized as a part-time study over two semesters. Weekly teaching is provided with 3 clock hours of instruction per week over one academic year. The teaching is given partly in full class and partly in smaller groups.


The Academy’s course portfolio is comprised of courses that use the marks “pass/fail” and courses that use marks on a scale of A to F, where E is the lowest passing mark. The individual course descriptions state which system of marks will be used.

Further details on assessment and examination are provided in Chapter VI of the Regulations Governing the Programmes of Study at the Norwegian Academy of Music (only in Norwegian at

A final transcript of records will be issued when the student has completed the programme. All courses which are part of the study programme, as well as the marks and number of credits, will be stated on the transcript.

Education quality assurance

The Academy has a system for educational quality assurance and development that applies to all aspects of the education provided.

Students play a vital role in these efforts by, among other things, participating in student evaluations of courses and programmes.

Published: Mar 6, 2023 — Last updated: Feb 13, 2025