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The Making of a Greener Academy

Projekt team Grønt NMH. From left Sverker Rundquist, Johan A. S. Jørgensen, Victoria Finstad, Tone Jordhus, Live Maria Roggen, Are Sandbakken and Marit Tøndel Bodsberg Weyde. Anders Eggen was not present.

The project Grønt NMH (Green NMH) is now underway. Here is a summary of what we have done so far written by project manager and head of library Johan A. S. Jørgensen.

The NMH is aiming to be certified as an Miljøfyrtårn (Eco-Lighthouse) during 2022.

The academy is now doing the groundwork to ensure more sustainable practices in a number of areas. This process will involve several people from across the institution.

“It’s fun to see this process not just as an environmental initiative but also as a project that encourages more people to interact laterally – working together makes us better (hello to the principal’s management team!). Many thanks to everyone who is contributing to what will eventually result in an Miljøfyrtårn sign on the wall,” writes project manager Johan A. S. Jørgensen.

The project team has participated in several workshops during the autumn to prepare the groundwork for the processes that lead to certification.

Members of the Grønt NMH project team

Identifying environmental risks

We have adopted a risk model as part of the process in order to identify how the environment impacts the NMH, and how the NMH impacts the environment. Activities at the NMH can in many cases be made more climate and environmentally friendly, and we have decided on a few targets and initiatives linked to issues such as energy, waste, transportation, travel, purchasing and recycling. Much of this will be described in a general environmental policy, something the team is currently preparing.

New travel policy

The project team also provides input on various issues and policies, such as the revision of the NMH travel policy and the rebuilding of the canteen. On 12 January the Grønt NMH project team will hold a seminar with the principal’s management team to discuss a new travel policy.

The project team will be looking at how the environment impacts the NMH and how the NMH impacts the environment

at a series of workshops with Hege Sletnes from Miljøfyrtårn

Environmental concerns to play part in management decisions

An environmental management system will be put in place to govern future environmental processes at the NMH. Incorporating the environmental aspect as a governance factor is key since all parts of society have to contribute towards the green shift – including the arts and higher education. By putting on our green-tinted glasses we can spot interesting perspectives and challenging aspects on how a music conservatoire is run.

The way ahead

  • The project is now in a planning and investigative phase which involves collecting data and drawing up various policy documents. We are also working on plans for how to communicate what we do to students and staff, including in the form of various events.
  • Alongside the project team, the certification process is managed by two dedicated representatives of the Furuholmen and Slemdalsveien sites respectively, namely Anders Eggen and Johan A. S. Jørgensen.
  • he Grønt NMH project will regularly share milestones and general status updates. If you have any questions or input, please get in touch!
  • The project group is working with our green consultant Hege Sletnes to obtain the eco-certification.

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