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Easier to evaluate courses

The Norwegian Academy of Music will launch a new digital course evaluation tool integrated in Canvas. We will carry out a pilot project this spring with midway evaluation.

The new digital tool in Canvas will make it easier and more user-friendly to automatically carry out student evaluations in Canvas. Lecturers will also easily get access to the reports and results in Canvas.

Testing the system on 22 courses

We have chosen 22 different courses from the school's various study programs that will be midway evaluated this spring.

The evaluations are open from 7th - 14th March

The evaluation period starts the 7th of March and ends 14th of March. The students will be notified both on email and in Canvas when the midway evaluations are open.

The evaluations are anonymous. The estimated time to complete the survey is 3-5 minutes.

The lectures can access the results when the evaluation period is over.

What is a midterm evaluation?

The midway evaluation consists of 16 questions distributed over the following categories: teaching, learning outcome, study effort, forms of assessment and learning environment.

The digital system is called Course Evaluations & Surveys. This is the new digital tool to be used in the higher education system in Norway.

Tilbakemelding og spørsmål

Dette er ein pilot med noko knapp tidshorisont, så vi sett pris på eventuelle tilbakemeldingar angåande spørsmålsformulering etter denne første evalueringsrunda. Neste steg i prosessen er etter kvart å opne opp for at dei som underviser kan legge til eigne spørsmål.

Ta gjerne kontakt på dersom du har spørsmål eller andre kommentarar.


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