Elective Courses 2023⁄24
- - Info Elective Courses 2023-24
- AKKREP20 - Accompaniment for pianists
- ALEX20 - Alexander Technique
- ANPRAK20 - Practical Analysis
- BARENS20 - Baroque ensemble
- BARIMP20 - Baroque interpretation
- BARPROD20 - Barnemusikkproduksjon
- BEVEG20 - Movement for Musicians
- BLENS20 - Wind Ensemble
- BRUGIT20 - Applied Guitar – Improvisation/Figured Bass
- BRUKLA20 - Applied Piano – Improvisation/Figured Bass I
- BRUKLA21 - Applied Piano – Playing by Score
- BRUTREK20 - Applied Accordion I/II
- CBE - Christiania Wind Ensemble
- DIHO70 - In-Depth Instrument Training
- ECF20 - European Creative Futures
- EXCOM20 - Extended Composition
- FOLKINST20 - Traditional Folk Music Instrument
- GITAR20 - Applied Guitar Ib – emphasizing playing from scores
- HAMKLAV20 - Fortepiano for pianists
- IMPRO27 - Jazz Improvisation
- IMPSAMT20 - Improvisation-based Contemporary Music I
- INSTVAR20 - Instrument Heritage I
- INTERC20 - Interpretation Practice in New Music (From ca. 1950)
- KAMMUS27 - Chamber Music I
- KAMMUS70 - Chamber Music for Master Students
- KONSPRO20 - Concert Production for Bachelor Students I
- KONSPRO21 - Concert Production for Bachelor Students II
- KONSPRO70 - Concert Production for Master's Students I
- KONSPRO71 - Concert Production for Master's Students II
- KUBA20 - Kunstnerisk verksted – bachelor
- MUSBI20 - Music in an International Aid Programme
- MUSTEK22 - Recording Studio
- MUSTEK24 - Introduction to Live Electronics: Ableton Live
- MUSTEK37 - Mix of Sound
- NORSK20 - Norwegian Language Course
- NORSK21 - Norwegian Language Follow-Up Course
- ORGIMP23 - Organ Improvisation
- PERFPRAK20 - Performance Practice 1750 — 1900
- PRAKSADM20 - Music Administration - practical experience
- PROPO20 - Professional Portfolio
- PRØVESP20 - Audition Training I/II
- ROMINT20 - Song Interpretation
- SANG20 - Singing for Instrumentalists
- TIMANI20 - Timani
- BRUGIT20 - Applied Guitar Ia - emphasizing improvisation/figure bass
- KOMP26 - Composition for Ensembles
- KPKONS - Production Skills for Composers
- JZSLAGEN20/21 - Jazz Percussion Ensemble I and II
- BRUGIT20 - Applied Guitar Ia - emphasizing improvisation/figure bass