At the announcement of my speech today, I was presented as a "Dementia Choir expert participating in the popular documentary Demenskoret". So I will use it as an example of how the two perspectives on health are needed:
Music and dematia
Dementia is a disease, a pathological illness. Music can, to a certain extent, do something with the illness the dementia symptoms. At least we know from research that music therapy can reduce depression and anxiety, but it also affects behaviour and cognition (language skills f. ex).
However, research also shows that music therapy is salutogenetically beneficial, even for people with illnesses like dementia. It provides a better quality of life, positively affects mood, and is an overall vitalising force.
The dementia choirs provide, in addition, feelings of community and experiences of mastery; again, these are two of the domains in Arne Holts's 7 areas for good mental health. For people living with dementia, these elements are essential to prevent loneliness, social isolation, and apathy, which are perhaps the biggest challenges for people living with dementia and their loved ones. Social isolation and loneliness are some of the biggest public health threats worldwide. So, there is proof that music and singing can, to some extent, treat dementia – the illness, but there is also proof that it can promote overall mental health and even prevent poor health development. These aspects are all essential for the life of the person with dementia and the family around them. And many of us live with dementia in our families today. And within 30 years, because we live longer, the number of people living with dementia will be doubled. Understandably, as a society, we must live a healthy and good life in the middle of the illness and its negative progression.
Easiest type of music-making
Being active, like singing, which perhaps is the easiest type of music-making, and being active together becomes an effective and meaningful activity. It creates a health-promoting community in which people can flourish and deal with pain and illnesses.
Now, I do not think that these effects I have spoken about here apply to people with dementia only.