Do you wish to combine your studies at the Norwegian Academy of Music with a study period abroad?
Travel abroad!
The advisors at the international office have professional and administrative contacts at many music education institutions and assist you in planning your stay abroad.
Application Deadline
The application deadline to apply for an exchange during the following academic year (fall semester, spring semester, or the entire academic year) is February 15th.
Plan ahead!
Who can travel?
At NMH, you can apply to go on exchange during the 3rd or 4th year of all bachelor's programmes (only the 4th year for students in the bachelor's programme in music education) and in the 1st or 2nd year of all master's programmes. The application deadline is 15 February in the academic year before you wish to go on exchange.
A prerequisite for being allowed to travel on exchange is that you are on track with subjects and study credits. It means that:
if you are going on exchange in the third year of your bachelor's degree, you must have completed the first two years of studies before leaving.
if you are going on exchange in your fourth year of the bachelor's degree in music education, you must have completed all 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year subjects before you leave.
if you are going on exchange during your first year as a master's student, you must have completed your bachelor's degree before you leave. You must apply before 15 February, even if you don't yet know whether you have been admitted to the master's programme.
if you are going on exchange during your second year as a master's student, you must have completed the first-year courses before you travel.
if you already have a dispensation for the current academic year, subjects must be completed as described in the dispensation decision before you travel.
Contact your student adviser if you are unsure whether you are on schedule, or to make a plan for how you can get on schedule before departure
How to apply
Where can you go?
You can apply for an exchange at a wide variety of institutions.
You can also apply to go to places not listed. If this is relevant for you, please contact one of our student exchange coordinators.
What funding can you get?
As an exchange student from NMH, you will usually not have to pay tuition fees to the host institution. There may be exceptions at some institutions outside Europe.
Norwegian students are entitled to support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund and may also qualify for grants to cover travel and living costs (and potential tuition fees) from various organisations.
Other grants
Other grants and bursaries often operate with early application deadlines. You should look into such grants and bursaries in good time, ideally a year before your planned exchange.