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Unwanted Sexual Attention and Harassment

What should you do if you, or someone you know, experience unwanted sexual attention?

When should you report it?

If you experience unwanted sexual attention or harassment or witness repeated unwanted sexual attention or harassment, you should report it as quickly as possible. This means that the problem can be dealt with before it develops further.

How do I report it?

Alternatively, you can find a solution to the problem together with a Student Representative from the Student Committee (SUT) or the Learning Environment Committee (LMU).

Students can also get help from the student advisers at SiO (the student welfare organisation).


  • Telephone: +47 22 85 33 27
  • Email:

What happens when you submit a report?

When the Academy receives a complaint about unwanted sexual attention/harassment we follow the Routines for Dealing With Reports of Unwanted Sexual Attention at the Norwegian Academy of Music.